Minister of culture Marta Suplicy, explaining the program. |
The Brazilian Minister of Culture Marta Suplicy has announced that, as of August, companies will be able to offer workers a new ‘culture voucher’.
The culture stipend is a benefit that can be offered to any worker who earns up to five times the minimum wage (around R$3390 or €1280). The program has the goal of assuring access to cultural activities and products, stimulating creative industries and forming citizens who can appreciate and consume culture. The worker will receive a magnetic debit card credited with R$50 (€19) per month to spend on shows, theaters visits, movies, books and other cultural products.Employers who participate in the program can deduct 90% of the cost of the voucher from their annual income tax, and the other 10% is withdrawn from the worker’s salary. Both the employer and the employee can choose if they want to participate in the program. There are options for workers who receive more than five times the minimum wage and want to benefit from the initiative, but the percentage that can be deducted from the annual income tax becomes increasingly lower.It is calculated that around eighteen million Brazilians could benefit from the program, which would represent an R$11.3 billion increase on the cultural market. Such a huge boost in demand for cultural goods and services is fundamental in the consolidation of the proper functioning of the cultural industry as a whole. The amount may seem relatively small for each individual, but the large-scale impact is very significant.As a country with an immense variety of cultural goods and traditions, Brazil has much to offer to its people and to other nations. Developing a solid internal cultural market is a fundamental step towards the implementation of this valuable commodity as an international relations tool.
Article also avalilable here
The culture stipend is a benefit that can be offered to any worker who earns up to five times the minimum wage (around R$3390 or €1280). The program has the goal of assuring access to cultural activities and products, stimulating creative industries and forming citizens who can appreciate and consume culture. The worker will receive a magnetic debit card credited with R$50 (€19) per month to spend on shows, theaters visits, movies, books and other cultural products.Employers who participate in the program can deduct 90% of the cost of the voucher from their annual income tax, and the other 10% is withdrawn from the worker’s salary. Both the employer and the employee can choose if they want to participate in the program. There are options for workers who receive more than five times the minimum wage and want to benefit from the initiative, but the percentage that can be deducted from the annual income tax becomes increasingly lower.It is calculated that around eighteen million Brazilians could benefit from the program, which would represent an R$11.3 billion increase on the cultural market. Such a huge boost in demand for cultural goods and services is fundamental in the consolidation of the proper functioning of the cultural industry as a whole. The amount may seem relatively small for each individual, but the large-scale impact is very significant.As a country with an immense variety of cultural goods and traditions, Brazil has much to offer to its people and to other nations. Developing a solid internal cultural market is a fundamental step towards the implementation of this valuable commodity as an international relations tool.
Article also avalilable here
Governo Brasileiro Prestes a Lançar o“Vale
A ministra de cultura do Brasil, Marta Suplicy, anunciou que
a partir de agosto, as empresas poderão oferecer o novo vale ao trabalhador.
O empregador que participar do programa poderá deduzir 90%
do valor do benefício do imposto de renda anual e os 10% restantes podem ser
retirados do salário do trabalhador. Tanto o trabalhador quanto o empregador
podem escolher se querem participar do programa. Existe a opção para os
trabalhadores que recebem mais de cinco salários mínimos e queiram ganhar o
benefício, mas a porcentagem que a empresa pode deduzir do imposto de renda vai
reduzindo proporcionalmente.
Calcula-se que cerca de 18 milhões de brasileiros podem se
beneficiar com a iniciativa do ministério, o que representaria um impacto de
R$11,3 bilhões no mercado cultural. Tamanho aumento na demanda é fundamental
para equilibrar o funcionamento da industria cultural. O valor pago pode
parecer pouco individualmente, mas o impacto em larga escala é muito
Sendo um país com uma incrível variedade de produtos e
tradições culturais, o Brasil tem muito a oferecer para o seu prórpio povo e
outras nações. O desenvolvimento de um solido mercado cultural interno é um
passo fundamental que esse commoditie tão valioso torne-se disponível para uso
nas relações internacionais.
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